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Human Potential

Blog / Human Potential

Human potential in business

How to Realize it?

As leaders, we are responsible for cultivating the potential of those around us. This is a responsibility and an honour. And as leaders, we must be self reflective and scrutinize our choices to ensure we are an empowering force for those who look to us for guidance. We must let go of our expectations, our patterns, our methods. We must let others spread their wings and discover their potential. Failure is part of the journey and leaders must accept that first. You cannot call yourself a leader if you don’t put your faith in others. A leader promotes human potential and that requires selflessness, trust and faith. When a leader plays this role well, expectations can be exceeded, loyalty built, and human potential realized.


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About Juliana Trichilo Cina

Hi, I’m Juliana, Smart Self founder & first-ever Instant Advisor. I’m sick & tired of negativity keeping good people down. Your problem has a solution. You have & good ideas down. I’m determined to empower the lives, careers, & businesses, 


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